Telling your story, reminiscing memories...



captured and told stories




choosing to pass on




hear your thoughts, silences too




beyond the wedding - the keywords



    Contact & Reservation

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    You can meet up with me regularly in:

    - Paris
    - Montpellier
    - Genève
    - Luxembourg City
    - Barcelone

    Phone : +33 (0) 682 160 913


    You will find a number of answers, otherwise do not hesitate to contact me!


    1. We are shy, is it a problem to get a successful photo report?

    We will go beyond the shyness, the photographs will reflect who you are, and what you make me feel. So, on the contrary, if you are shy you will get a photo report full of emotions....

    We will have a private meeting, I will talk to you and listen to you... I will get to know you, your story, I will read your smiles...

    In a way, I am already writing your story without you realizing it...

    2. What about couple pictures?

    I use the term “couple pictures” only for you to have a point of reference... But this is something else...

    It will be about the pleasure to be only the two of you, you and partner, away from the turmoil of the wedding... It will be about little moments of laugh and satisfaction that you will share together on this day that goes so fast...

    These photographs just the two of you will reflect this peace...

    3. How will we view our photographs?

    First, I will show you all the photographs in a private gallery and in a slideshow.
    Then, I will suggest a first draft of my perspective on your report, the way I imagine it when I take your pictures.

    The creation of your book will take place and all the love in your report will give it a soul...

    4. Can we have the digital files?

    Of course!

    You will get two versions of files, one in HD (8x12 inches - 20x30 cm at 300 dpi) - it will be the right version for you to make your own prints or just to have your photo report with you - and a second version for social networks and for Internet in general.

    If you use these folders properly, you will be able to make the most of them, while respecting the quality of my work.

    5. Which wedding services do you offer?

    The technical aspect includes a beautiful book placed in a case or a custom-made and hand-manufactured album that tells your wedding day, and the digital files.

    A backup of your files is done without any time limit.
    In case of failure or damage, my photo equipment allows me to continue working without disturbing the course of the day.

    For a full day report, you need to allocate 2600€.

    The emotional aspect will take a whole new value, the value you decide to give it through your laughs, your silences, the way you communicate with each other...

    Can you imagine what you will feel when your parents will see you on the day of the wedding, ready to make a commitment for life...? I think about this all the time... Because... How many times did I hear “I will not cry...”

    The wedding day is the day of surprises, the day the unexpected happens... This is for all of this that we love being with close family and friends and share deep moments with them.

    6. Do you offer portrait and family photographs?

    Everybody has beautiful stories... However many people don’t know how to tell those stories...

    Rather than talking about “portraits”, I would say I intend to write moments of life...

    Those moments of life define and shape ourselves - we can live them every day... They can begin by a breakfast on the terrace, when you can feel the first rays of sunlight on your skin... During a walk along the seaside in winter, when the elements of nature reveal their strength...

    When you want to feel that you exist in the eyes of your beloved... When you want to make every moment unique, every moment we wish to share...

    Or just when you want to take the time to look at your little angels enjoy life, completely innocent and untroubled... When you want to take the time to reconnect yourself with your true nature... We are unique beings...

    To get “a writing through light”, meaning “the photographs”, and to share those privileged moments, you need to allocate 500€.


    ISPWP Member

    The Best Wedding Photographers in the World

    The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers (ISPWP) is a rarity among wedding photography organizations. Photographers cannot simply buy an ISPWP membership, they have to earn it.

    Our requirements are experience, talent, and professionalism. To be accepted, a photographer must have shot at least 50 weddings, submit their portfolio for review, agree to operate under the ISPWP Code of Conduct, and have an ISPWP Sponsor or four references. And THEN they have to be voted in by current members.

    In short, when you hire an ISPWP Photographer, you are hiring a talented veteran with a track record, peer recognition, and a passion for creating heirloom images of your wedding.


    Website Legal Notice



    - User: Internet user connected to and using the site
    - Personal data: any information relating to a natural person; identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly; by reference to an identification number or to one or more elements that are specific to him or her (article 2 of French Act no. 78-17 of 6th January 1978).




    In accordance with article 6 of French Act no. 2004-575 of 21st June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the collaborators involved in the implementation and follow-up of the website is specified to its Users:

    The owner:

    - Romain NEGRE Photographie – French SARL with a capital of €10,000 - SIRET: 529 097 446 00015 – NAF 7420Z - RCS: Montpellier B 529 097 446 – Intra-community VAT number: FR64529097446
    - Head office: 17, rue Gustave - 34000 Montpellier - France
    - Publishing Manager: Romain NEGRE, Publishing Director
    - Publishing Manager’s email:

    Webmaster: Guillaume BARBAISE -

    Host: O2switch - RCS: siret 510 909 807 00016 - 91, avenue Roger Maerte - 63170 Aubière - France


    Personal data collected:


    In France, personal data are protected by French Act no. 78-87 of 6th January 1978, French Act no. 2004-801 of 6th August 2004, article 226-16 of the French Penal Code and European Directive no. 95/46/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24th October 1995.

    While using the site, the following personal data are collected:

    - the URL of the links from which the User accessed the site
    - the Internet provider of the User.
    - the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the User.


    In any case, Romain NEGRE Photographie collects personal data about the User (name, email address, phone number) only for the need of the services offered by the site The User knowingly provides these personal data, especially when he/she enters them himself/herself in the system. It is indicated to the User of the site whether the required personal data is compulsory or not.

    Any User who verifies his/her identity has the possibility to request from Romain NEGRE Photographie, via the email address


    - the checking of his/her personal data, collected by Romain NEGRE Photographie or on its behalf;
    - information about the purpose of the treatment of these data;
    - information about the identity and geographic location of the recipients of these data;
    - a free copy of these data, insofar as such a request is not abusive, especially by being repetitive and disproportionate.


    No personal data of the User of the site is:


    - collected without the User knowing it;
    - published without the User knowing it;
    - exchanged, transferred, given or sold on any kind of support to a third party.


    Only in the case of repurchase of Romain NEGRE Photographie and its rights would the transmission of these data to the potential buyer be permitted, who would then have to commit to keeping and modifying these data for the User of the site
    Nevertheless, Romain NEGRE Photographie is allowed to carry out statistical analysis and studies on the use and typology of Users of the site, as long as they stay anonymous.


    Rectification of collected personal data


    In accordance with article 40 of French Act no. 78-17 of 6th January 1978, the User has the right to modify collected nominative data about him/her. To do so, the User needs to send to Romain NEGRE Photographie:


    - an email to the email address;
    - a mail by post to the address 17, rue Gustave - 34000 Montpellier - France, indicating name or company name, postal address and/or email, as well as, if relevant, his/her reference as a member of the site


    The rectification will be done as soon as reasonably possible after receipt of the User’s request.

    Statement at the CNIL (French independent administrative authority protecting privacy and personal data):
    As the site is collecting personal data from its Users, a statement has been made beforehand at the CNIL and registered under the receipt number not required.




    A “Cookie” allows identification of the User, the customisation of his/her visit to the site and accelerates loading of the site thanks to a data being stored on his/her computer. The User acknowledges being aware of this practice and allows Romain NEGRE Photographie to use it. In any case, Romain NEGRE Photographie commits not to share the content of these “Cookies” with third parties, except in case of court summons. The User can reject the “Cookies” or set his/her browser so that he/she is warned before accepting the “Cookies”. To do so, the User will set his/her browser from the “tools” menu.


    Author’s rights:


    The entirety of the elements of the website, especially the texts, presentations, images, pictures, arborescence and layout, with the exception of public documents and complementary information, are the exclusive intellectual property of Romain NEGRE Photographie or its partners. In this respect, their representation, reproduction, nesting, publishing and republishing, partial or total, are prohibited in accordance with article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code. Any person who does so without express prior authorisation from the holder of these rights would be under penalty of the crime of counterfeiting as stated in articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, the representation, reproduction, nesting, publishing and republishing, partial or total, of the database contained in the site are prohibited in accordance with French Act no. 98-536 of 1st July 1998 which covers legal protection of databases. In any case, on any authorised copy of all or part of the content of the site, the following statement shall appear: “Copyright Romain NEGRE Photographie all rights reserved”.




    The trademarks and logos appearing on the site are registered by Romain NEGRE Photographie, or possibly by one of its partners. In this respect, any person who would perform any representation, reproduction, nesting, publishing or republishing of them would be under penalty as stated in articles L. 713-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


    Complementary information about trademarks and author’s rights appearing on the site:


    Remarks and suggestions:


    It is possible to send remarks and suggestions to the person in charge of the site by sending an email to


    Date of the last update:


    The legal notice was last updated on 24/11/2016.


    The main acts related:


    French Act no. 78-17 of 6th January 1978, especially modified by French Act no. 2004-801 of 6th August 2004, concerning computer systems, files and personal freedom. French Act no. 2004-575 of 21st June 2004, concerning confidence in digital economy.

    Terms of Use

    Website Terms and Conditions of Use


    By using the website the User is fully accepting and committing to respect the terms and conditions contained in this notice.
    Romain NEGRE Photographie reserves the right to change and supplement these terms and conditions of use at any time, without either notice or compensation. Reconnection and continuous use of the website implies systematic reacceptance of the terms and conditions of use and commitment to respect them. Consequently, it is the responsibility of the User to inform himself/herself about new updates to these terms and conditions every time he/she connects to the website
    These conditions of use contain exclusions of warranty and limitations of liability of which the User acknowledges being aware.


    Validity of the information provided


    The User might have to provide some information. In such case he/she commits to:


    - provide real and true information, up-to-date at the time it is entered in the service subscription form, and not to use any false names or addresses, or names or addresses that he/she is not authorised to use;
    - keep up–to-date any subscription data in order to guarantee they are real, true and up-to-date at all times;
    - not make available or distribute illegal or reprehensible information (such as libellous or obscene information) or harmful content (such as viruses).


    In case of any breach of these Terms and Conditions, Romain NEGRE Photographie will be entitled to suspend or end the User’s access to the services and the sole fault will be attributed to the User.


    Website access:


    The website can be accessed by the User 24/7, unless specified otherwise. Romain NEGRE Photographie will not be responsible or liable for any technical connection issues, either caused by force majeure, maintenance work, updates, website modifications, host’s actions, internal or external strikes, network breakdown, electricity cuts, or wrong configuration or use of the User’s computer.


    Use of the names and addresses mentioned on the website


    Romain NEGRE Photographie prohibits the use of the names and addresses mentioned on for selling, advertising or any other commercial purposes.


    The User’s behaviour


    The User commits not to publish any words, opinions or information that can be defamatory, obscene, violent, racist, and generally disrespectful of the French law in force, related to rights of the individual and public morals.


    Blog and comments


    The website makes available for all users a system allowing private individuals and companies to post comments on the blog in order to share information and opinions. The User of the website commits to showing respectful and appropriate behaviour towards other users.


    Romain NEGRE Photographie reserves the right to:


    - monitor messages, views and opinions published by the user within the system for posting comments on the blog of the website;
    - and, if relevant:
    - delete these messages, views and opinions if they are considered as unlawful, especially racist, defamatory, calumnious or promotional
    - exclude the user who is publishing such messages.


    The contributors to the comments on the blog can be anonymous or not.
    If the User of the website publicly and conscientiously publishes some personal data in the comment system of the blog, he/she acknowledges that these data can be collected by third parties and exempts Romain NEGRE Photographie from any responsibility.


    Limitation of Liability


    The User expressly acknowledges that he/she uses the site at his/her own risk and under his/her own exclusive liability. The website provides the User with data for information purposes, as they are, with their imperfections, errors, omissions, inaccuracies and other possible ambivalences. Furthermore, this information must be taken into consideration at the time of the online publication and not at the time of the visit of the website.


    In any case, Romain NEGRE Photographie will not be liable for:


    - for any direct or indirect damage, especially regarding loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of custom, for any data that can come from the use of the site, or on the contrary from the impossibility of its use;
    - for any dysfunction, unavailable access, wrong use, wrong configuration of the User’s computer, or the use of a browser rarely used by the User;
    - for the content of the advertisements or any other links or external sources accessible by the User from the site




    Any Webmaster who would like to create a link from his/her website to the site has to obtain express prior authorisation by sending a request to the email address provided. In any case, any Webmaster who creates a hyperlink commits not to use the deep linking technique, which consists in pointing to a specific page on the site, inside the Webmaster’s site.
    Any User who is directed to websites of third parties through a hyperlink existing on the site acknowledges that Romain NEGRE Photographie does not control the content of these sites. As a consequence, Romain NEGRE Photographie will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages due to the use of sites accessible via hyperlinks contained on the site


    Applicable law and jurisdiction


    The terms and conditions of use of the site shall be governed, interpreted and applied by French law. Any disputes related to these terms and conditions of use and to their implementation, especially their validity, interpretation, execution, termination and their consequences, shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Montpellier. Any specific disputes between professionals and/or traders shall be exclusively settled by the “Tribunal de commerce de Montpellier” (commercial court of Montpellier).


    Date of the last update


    The terms and conditions of use were last updated on 15/11/2016.

    Terms of Sale

    General Terms and Conditions of Sale



    Any order implies the complete unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the following terms and conditions:

    These general terms and conditions apply to all our offers, elements of offers, order confirmations and sales of albums and pictures, as well as to photographic works and all related services.
    The general terms and conditions of possible purchases by the Buyer are not enforceable against the Service Provider, even when he has become aware of them.
    The fact that the Service Provider doesn’t apply one of these articles at any given moment cannot be interpreted as a as a waiver of such general terms and conditions of sale in the future.
    The orders are effective, for delivery, only upon receipt of the agreed down payment. The down payment made at the moment of the order or later, does not give the Buyer the right to retract and not pay the agreed amount. In case of a cancellation of the order by the client, the down payment is still due, for compensation, under reservation of all our other rights.

    Article 1: Preliminary offer


    1.1 Any service request made by the Buyer will lead to a preliminary offer submitted by the Provider for acceptance.
    1.2 Any offer shall be valid only for 1 month, starting from the date that it is sent.
    1.3 The specifications of the supplies appearing in the offers, and especially their quality, their finishing, their type and their measurements, shall be the ones indicated by the provider or equivalent if the product can no longer be procured.


    Article 2: Order


    2.1 Any order, including ones made over the phone, shall be confirmed in writing.
    2.2 The order shall mention, especially: the selected package by rate, the agreed price of the services, the supplies, the transportation costs and any other costs related to carrying out the service, the payment method, the date and place of delivery or collection if different from the invoice address.
    2.3 Any additions or changes to the order bind the Provider only if he accepts them in writing.


    Article 3: Payment


    3.1 The payment of the service shall be spread, and the split payment scheduled on the purchase order.


    Article 4: Modification of technical specifications


    4.1 The Buyer cannot request the cancellation of the sale or assign responsibility to the Provider in case of modifications to the initial technical specificities or characteristics, occurring between the moment the order was made and the delivery time, which may result from recommendations of the supplier.
    4.2 The service provider commits to inform the Buyer of these modifications as soon as possible.
    4.3 If the provider is not able to deliver the ordered supplies, he can deliver a product with the same characteristics on the Buyer’s written request.
    4.4 In the case stipulated in the above article 4.3, and without the Buyer’s written agreement, it is expressly agreed that the down payment made stays with the provider for the services done.


    Article 5: Delivery - Definition


    5.1 The delivery is made according to the specifications appearing on the purchase order, unless the payment requirements are not met.
    5.2 The delivery means:


    - either by postage of the finished products to the Buyer, with the addition of the postage costs as stated on the purchase order,
    - or by making the finished products available at the Provider’s premises.


    Article 6: Delivery deadlines - Regulations


    6.1 The delivery deadlines are always given for information only, according to availability of the pictures and supplies at the time of the offer.
    6.2 Any delay due to circumstances beyond the Service Provider’s control cannot lead to the order cancellation. The Provider shall not be liable for any damage resulting from this delay.
    6.3 However, if the product delivery has not happened 3 months after the delivery date indicated, for any other reason than a case of force majeure, the sale can be cancelled on one of the parties’ request by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The Buyer can then claim the reimbursement of the down payment(s) made without any other compensation.
    6.4 The Provider shall not be liable in case of force majeure or events such as: lockout, strike, epidemic, war, requisitioning, fire, floods, accident due to material or delay in transportation or any other cause leading to partial or total unemployment of the provider or his/her suppliers.
    6.5 The Provider shall inform the Buyer of the above mentioned cases and events, at the appropriate time.
    6.6 Any delay in delivery due to a case of force majeure shall lead, according to the Provider’s choice, either to outright cancellation of the sale or to postponement of the product delivery or availability for collection. In either of these cases neither party can claim compensation.
    6.7 In any event, a timely delivery can only happen if the Buyer has met all his/her obligations towards the Service Provider.
    6.8 When the delivery consists in making the product available for the Buyer at the Provider’s premises, the Provider commits to inform the Buyer in writing of the date from which the product can be collected.
    6.9 The Buyer commits to collect the products within 15 days upon receipt of the notice of availability.


    Article 7: Transportation


    7.1 The Provider selects the most appropriate mode of transport to carry the products.
    7.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer is responsible for all transportation charges, costs and risks. After reception of the products, the Buyer shall examine their quantity and condition. In case of any damage, claims must be made on the delivery order and the carrier must be informed within 48 hours from the delivery time, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.


    Article 8: Insurance


    Merchandise transportation by land and by air is generally not insured, unless expressly requested by the Buyer. However we reserve the right to insure, at the ordinary rate and with the insurance company of our choice, merchandise that could be damaged during transportation, without the Buyer’s agreement and for his/her own interest. For maritime transportation, we always insure the products, at the ordinary rate, according to the destination. The insurance costs, advanced by us, shall be paid by the Buyer and added to the invoice.

    In anticipation of the disasters mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Buyer subrogates the seller from now on in all its rights and actions against the insurance company and also gives away, delegates and transfers, up to the due amount, all indemnity that could be allocated in these cases and gives him/her all powers necessary for the service.


    Article 9: Reception – Checking


    9.1 Receipt and checking of the products must be done within 2 days upon delivery.
    9.2 Without prejudice to his/her obligations towards the carrier, the Buyer shall inform the Provider by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within the deadline set in article 9.1, of all apparent defects or lack of conformity of the delivered supplies.
    9.3 It is the duty of the Buyer to detail the lack of conformity or the defect in a registered letter addressed to the Provider within the deadline set in article 9.1. The Buyer shall let the Provider perform his/her own inspection of these defects or faults, and refrains from taking any action himself/herself or having a third person do so.
    9.4 After the deadline set in article 9.1, any claim of any sort whatsoever will be rejected.
    9.5 If the Buyer expressly or tacitly renounces the reception, the supplies will be considered as delivered in conformity with the order.
    9.6 Lack of conformity of part of the delivery shall not exempt the Buyer from his obligation to pay for the supplies for which there is no dispute.
    9.7 Any flaw or defect acknowledged after contradictory examination compels the Provider to replace for free, only the supplies acknowledged as defective.


    Article 10: Price determination


    10.1 The invoiced prices are the ones established on the day of the order, and based on the economic conditions in force.
    10.2 The prices include VAT but not transportation. Any other similar taxes that would become payable will be added, at the rate in force at the time at which they are due to be paid.


    Article 11: Price indexing


    11.1 The parties agree that the prices indicated on the purchase order are firm and definitive.


    Article 12: Payment – Regulations


    12.1 Unless otherwise stipulated, the invoices are payable upon receipt, to the Provider’s head office.
    12.2 No matter the method of payment agreed between both parties, the payment shall be considered as made upon receipt only.
    12.3 If the payment is not made in due time, the Provider reserves the right to terminate or suspend the current orders and deliveries.

    Article 13: Default interest

    If the payment is not made within eight days from the date of the invoice, the Buyer shall be accountable for the application of default interest at three times the legal interest rate.

    Article 14: Penalty clause

    If the lack of payment from the Buyer necessitates amicable or legal collection, the Buyer commits to pay on top of the principal amount, the fees, the litigation costs and the emoluments that he/she legally and ordinarily would have to pay, and compensation of 15% of the principal amount (VAT included) of the payment, for conventional and basic damages.

    Article 15: Forfeiture of term clause

    If the partial or complete payment of an order has not been made by the due date, the amounts due for this order or other orders already delivered or being delivered will be immediately payable after receipt of the legal notice sent by the Provider by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

    Article 16: Refusal to sell

    Any order is accepted in view of the legal, financial and economic situation of the Buyer at the moment of the order. As a result, if the financial situation of the Buyer deteriorates between the date of the order and the delivery date, the Provider has the right to either require a cash payment before the delivery, or to cancel the sale.

    Article 17: Warranty - Extent

    For new supplies:
    17.1 The materials sold benefit from the warranty granted by the printer.
    17.2 This warranty covers all hidden or apparent defects from the delivery of the supplies.
    17.3 The Provider’s only obligation according to the warranty is the free replacement or repair of the supplies or elements acknowledged defective by the printer, without any other service or compensation.
    17.4 The actions performed as part of the warranty cannot extend its duration.
    17.5 The Buyer cannot claim for any compensation, in case of the immobilization of the supplies due to the application of the warranty.

    Article 18: Warranty – Exclusion

    18.1 The conventional and legal warranties do not apply especially in case of:
    - abnormal or abusive use of supplies,
    - deterioration or damage of the supplies resulting especially from: collisions, objects falling, fire, vandalism, malicious intent or misuse,
    - deterioration or accidents resulting from a lack or supervision.

    Article 19: Nullity of clauses

    If one of the clauses of these general terms and conditions of sale becomes null or void, no other clauses shall be rendered void as a result.

    Article 20: Applicable jurisdiction

    Any disputes related to the interpretation or execution of these terms and conditions shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Provider’s head office. Any disputes of any kind whatsoever shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Provider’s head office, even in case of multiple defendants.